Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Modern Afghan Bikes.

New additions to Eureka Miniatures' 28mm Afghan Guerilla and Middle-Eastern civilian ranges are on their way.

Here are some shots of the militants that I recently sculpted (and just painted!) atop the 1980's style dirt-bike that I also mastered. As well as the armed guerillas, there is also a lookout (or 'dicker' in military slang) talking into a phone.

Alan Marsh sculpted the wonderful Afghan families, each balanced on a single bike, and also sculpted the Muslim civilian figures that I painted for this post.

The 28mm Afghan range is pretty complete now. There is also a Dshka on a ground-mount, as well as one or two other figures that I didn't get around to painting, but should be in the Eureka web-store soon.

Bye for now!